Mission Sisters were invited by Fr. Hans Hendricks, S.J. to be the Health
Component of Deen Seva Dal(serving the poorest), a parish organization in
Hazaribagh district. He was looking for sisters who would live a simple life
style, no pakka (concrete) building, no watch dog, no watchman and no boundary
Health In People's Hand
Motivating , promoting and financially supporting the training of young girls from target villages which is one of the ways in which C.A.S.S brings health in people's hand. the hope is these young girls carry forward the light of health to the places people and institution they serve with joy.
Building relationships with the village
In dialogue with Fr. Hans it was decided: To make the villages more responsible for their health, by training village health workers for each village. In 1983 a training program for 29 village workers from 19 villages was conducted a big move from curative health to more preventive health care.